Адрес:107023, г. Москва, Барабанный переулок, дом 4, стр 6, БЦ «На Барабанном»
e-mail: info@sforp.ru
Тел.: (495) 988-61-46

Virtual exhibition BUSINESS-INFORM 2012



Bargkoppelweg 64, Hamburg, 22145, Germany
Phone +49 40325828307
Fax +49 40325828210
E-Mail schott@delacamp.com
URL www.delacamp.com
Contact Person Irene Schott

DELACAMP, with its main office located in Hamburg, Germany is a leading supplier of components and consumables to the remanufacturing industry as well as consumables, components and spare parts for copier machines worldwide. In order to provide superior service to its customers, Delacamp holds a large selection and inventory of matched quality components at competitive prices for immediate delivery. DELACAMP is the exclusive distributor of MK Imaging, DC SELECT, CPT and Kaleidochrome branded products in EMEA. DELACAMP: Serving customers since 1879.
For more Information on DELACAMP visit their website at www.delacamp.com.

PRODUCTION: Consumables for the Recycling of cartridge: toner, drums, spare parts

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