Адрес:107023, г. Москва, Барабанный переулок, дом 4, стр 6, БЦ «На Барабанном»
e-mail: info@sforp.ru
Тел.: (495) 988-61-46

Organaizational support or What? How? When?


Dear foreign exhibitors and visitors of “Business-Inform 2012”.

The exhibition takes place from June, 6th till June, 8th, 2012 in Moscow.

To visit Russia, you will need a visa to obtain which you have to make the following:

  • to book a hotel at the time of the event
  • to have an invitation from the Russian side
  • to book flight to Russia

The exhibition partner of “Business-Inform 2012” is travel agency S-Continental.

They will help you to reserve convenient hotel near to the fair place; will assist with an invitation and registration in Russia; will consult on all arising questions connected with a trip and stay in Russia. The excursion and entertaining program also will be offered to you.

Responsible manager for organizing a trip to the exhibition "Business-Inform 2012" in Russia is Ms. Petrova Tanita [expo@scontinental.com, scontinental.tanita@gmail.com, mobile phone +7(926)206-07-57, phone +7(812)318-30-30 ext.1313] happy to answer on all your traveling questions.

You can also contact fair organizers by phone +7 (495) 637 4820, e-mail: bizinform@bizinform.ru and bizinform@list.ru

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