Wednesday, 06.06.2012 |
Time |
Reports |
Materials |
12:00—13:15 |
Malinskiy Stanislav (BUSINESS-INFORM, Russia) «Russian Market of Printing Devices (2004-2011): Main Tendencies and Prospects» «Features Of Russian Supplies Market In State Segment» |
13:15—14:00 |
Andrey Galkin (UNIT-Orgtekhnika, Russia) «IT-Outsourcing In A State Sector» |
14:00—15:00 |
Tania Hagemann (INTEGRAL International GmbH, Germany) «Legends and Myths about Toner» |
15:00—16:00 |
Mark Dawson (MSE, USA) «Competitive Analysis: MSE Versus New Cartridges (Clones)» |
16:00—17:00 |
Ying Qian (ABColor, China) «The More You Understand Chinese The More You Are Business Informed» |
Thursday, 07.06.2012 |
Time |
Reports |
Materials |
10:30—12:00 |
Michael Cox (Static Control, USA) «Drivers of success on recycling products market» |
12:00—13:00 |
Thomas Wolf (KATUN, USА) «Take Control - Managed Print Services (MPS)» |
13:00—14:00 |
Irene Schott (Delacamp, Germany) «Mitsubishi Chemical monochrome and color toner manufacturing features. Mitsubishi Chemical OPC drums and their compatibility with various toners.» |
14:00—15:00 |
Peter Knak ( IMEX , Spain) «Toner Market and Technologies» |
15:00—16:00 |
Reinhardt Jippa ( Fuji Electric, Germany) «Fuji Q-Technologies – OPC Challenge» |
16:00—17:00 |
Sergei Khazankin (VТТ, Russia) «Present day state of copier and printer supplies market. Market changes as a driving force for growing of a standalone company. Filling and recharging of laser toner cartridges as a technology and a business» |
17:00—18:00 |
Workshop: «State Procurement And Supplies Quality: Do We Have A Solution?» |
Friday, 08.06.2012 |
Time |
Reports |
10:30—11:00 |
Vladimir Gucalenko (VM, Ukraine) «How to manage to build up a good quality cartridge in local conditions.» |
11:00—12:00 |
Nikita Charchenko (Chernil.net, Russia) «Laser Or Inkjet. Where Is The Profit For Dealers?» |
12:00—13:00 |
Sergei Chekanov (Polyram, Russia) «Recharging inside the company. Organizational points.» |
13:00—14:00 |
Martinjuk V.Ph., Chekanov S(APRM, Russia) «A System Of Voluntary Certification «TESTPRINT»» |
actually 09.06.2012